Process of the Virtual Innovation Ecosystem
Aroma Ingredients
Innovative aroma ingredients for the flavor & fragrance industry
Innovate to stand out from your competition: The fragrance industry has a growing need for sustainable aroma products with a good regulatory profile, improved price performance ratios and unique olfactive profiles.
By combining our strengths in chemistry with the know-how of flavor and fragrance houses and other strategically relevant partners, we can accelerate the development of sustainable fragrance ingredients for the whole industry. Biotechnology complements our key innovation capabilities and supports the transformation to renewables-based aroma ingredients.
In everything we do, we ensure that each drop of our products is full of innovation:
Excellence in chemistry meets creativity of perfumery: How we develop innovative and sustainable solutions for the entire flavor and fragrance industry
The innovation approach of BASF’s Aroma Ingredients business combines its strengths in chemistry with the know-how of flavor and fragrance houses and other partners in the F&F industry. Consolidating the capabilities of all partners in one innovation ecosystem speeds up the development of new-to-the-world fragrance ingredients for the whole F&F industry.

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